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Transponder news
Moldova Romania
Russian Federation
updated: 09.11.2023
Free To Air TV-channels (DVB-S / MPEG-2 / FTA):
| | | |
10974H, sr: 2963, fec: 3/408.06.2022 | Al Manar | tv channel from Lebanon | |
11456H, sr: 3000, fec: 3/408.06.2022 | Al Manar | tv channel from Lebanon | | | | | |
Free To Air TV-channels (DVB-S2 / MPEG-2 / FTA):
| | | |
11485H, sr: 3525, fec: 3/5 | | |
Free To Air channels (DVB-S2 / MPEG-4 / FTA):
| | | |
11473V, sr: 3590, fec: 2/308.06.2022 | RT Spanish HD | Russian news channel in Spanish language. | |
11542H, sr: 8266, fec: 3/406.03.2022 | RT (arabic) | Russian channel in Arabian. | | RT English | Russia Today is the first 24/7 English-language news channel to present the Russian point of view on events happening in Russia and around the globe. The channel was established in April 2005 by the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization TV-Novosti. | RT France | Russian channel in French. | |
11633V, sr: 13880, fec: 1/2 | | | | | | | |
Express AM8, 14° West
[30.06.23] Package with channels 'Belarus 24 HD', 'Karusel International', 'Perviy kanal Europe', 'Rossiya-24', 'RTR – Planeta' has left 11637 V [] [25.06.23] 'NTV-mir (0h)' has left 11109 H [] [25.06.23] 'Rossiya-24', 'RTR – Planeta' has left 11025 H [] [28.04.23] 'Perviy kanal Europe' is back on 11653 V, sr 4880, fec 2/3, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, FTA [] [15.03.23] 'Perviy kanal Europe' has left 11653 V [] [15.03.23] 'Karusel International' has left 11623 V [] [03.02.23] Package with channels 'Domashny (0h)', 'OTR', 'Pyatnitsa (0h)', 'REN (0h)', 'Spas (0h)', 'STS (0h)', 'TV3 (Russia) (0h)', 'TVC Europe (0h)' has left 11564 V [] [03.02.23] Package with channels 'Lugansk-24', 'MIR (0h)', 'Muz TV (0h)', 'Pervyj Krymskij', 'Tavriya TV', 'TNT (0h)', 'TRK Union', 'VTV+', 'Zvezda (0h)' has left 11544 V [] [03.02.23] 'Perviy kanal Europe' has left 11623 V [] [01.02.23] Testing 'Perviy kanal Europe' has started on 11653 V, sr 4880, fec 2/3, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, FTA [, andrey2006] | News for this position only |
* Time Zone: GMT+2