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Transponder news
Moldova Romania
Russian Federation
28.06.2015 | Logo | Service | Web | Package | SID Standard | VPID Encryption | Languages/APID | updated |
Service monitoring | Last updated: 01.03.2015 |
Service | Provider | SID | VPID | APID | Encrypted | Added and last updated |
vesty_privolghe | Scopus | 100 | 101 | 102 eng | Encrypted | Add:30.01.2014, Upd:01.03.2015 | vesty_privolghe (1) | Scopus | 100 | 101 | 104 eng | Encrypted | Add:30.01.2014, Upd:01.03.2015 | NNTV_plus_RIC | Scopus | 500 | 501 | 502 eng | FTA | Add:30.01.2014, Upd:01.03.2015 | NNTV_plus_RIC (1) | Scopus | 500 | 501 | 503 eng | FTA | Add:30.01.2014, Upd:01.03.2015 | Radio: glagol | | 501 | 0 | 503 eng | | Add:30.01.2014, Upd:01.03.2015 |
Intelsat 17, 66° East
[30.01.21] 'Match TV', 'REN (0h)', 'TNT (0h)', 'Zvezda (0h)' has left 11580 H [] [26.01.21] 'REN (0h)', 'TNT (0h)', 'Zvezda (0h)' has started on 11580 H, sr 2400, fec 1/2, MPEG-4, FTA [] [26.01.21] '5 Kanal (Russia) (0h)', 'NTV (0h)', 'Perviy Kanal (0h)' has left 11580 H [] [21.01.21] Testing '5 Kanal (Russia) (0h)', 'Match TV', 'NTV (0h)', 'Perviy Kanal (0h)' has started on 11580 H, sr 2400, fec 1/2, MPEG-4, FTA [] [28.06.15] Package with channels 'GTRK Nizhniy Novgorod', 'NNTV', 'Radio Obraz', 'Radio Rossii' has left 12596 H [, vitali203] [19.12.14] 'Radio Romantika' has left 12601 H [, Evron] [16.09.14] 'Radio Romantika' has started on 12601 H, sr 2000, fec 5/6, DVB-S2 / QPSK, FTA [, BARBOSYAKA1969] [01.09.14] Promo 'Business FM' has started on 12601 H, sr 2000, fec 5/6, DVB-S2 / QPSK, FTA [, Evron] [07.05.14] 'MIR (+3h)' has left 12661 H [, vitali203] [26.04.14] For 'MIR (+3h)' new params 12661 H, sr 2900, fec 7/8, FTA [, Ali19.98] | News for this position only |
* Time Zone: GMT+2